
Integrated pipeline solutions with data collection, warehousing and predictive analytics

As your pipeline protection provider, Vicom Energy Services offers inspection, engineering, monitoring and pipeline data management solutions to keep pipeline networks in service through our integrated data journey.

Pipeline networks are some of the most critical transportation infrastructure in the world, and people around the world rely on them every day. While these assets are critical to keeping society running, improper pipeline management can lead to asset failure and even harm to nearby environments and communities.

Vicom Energy Services and partner brands understand the importance of keeping pipelines flowing safely and provide comprehensive pipeline protection solutions to reduce the likelihood of hazards and quickly mitigate them when they do occur. As the industry evolves and becomes increasingly reliant on technology, Vicom Energy Services has introduced an integrated data management solution for pipeline integrity. The solution supports pipelines at every stage of their lifecycle and creates a highway of interconnected information from acquisition to predictive analytics. These elements of the integrated data journey include data capture, data warehousing, and predictive analytics.

We are prepared for small and large projects with access solutions and fully equipped fleets for virtually any terrain and location. Operating on newly constructed, mature, buried and above ground pipelines, our full range of high value pipeline protection solutions help maximize the safety and efficiency of your operations to extend the life of your pipelines. Vicom Energy Services provides solutions that enable our customers to ensure the safety of their pipelines, the public and the environment, while also maximizing pipeline productivity.

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